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How to Become an Effective Coach

When thinking of the stereotypical “coach”, one may picture someone dressed in a track jacket and whistle around their chest. However, a coach is much more than someone who walks around yelling at you to do pushups. A successful coach is someone who truly cares about helping others become better at a certain skill, task, or job through their past experiences. Becoming an effective coach takes skill and determination, but with the proper mindset, you can become an effective coach. Here are your top tips for becoming an effective coach.

Establish a Trustworthy Relationship

The most important aspect of becoming an effective coach is being able to establish a relationship amongst others. Because you will be initiating two way communication with others, trust is a big component of relationship management. When a relationship is established, others feel comfortable enough to come to you with problems, issues, and advice, allowing them to look up to you as a leader.

Develop Listening Skills

Listening skills are another component of relationship management. Being a coach is not only about giving out advice, but listening to others to find the best solutions. Listening allows you to interpret messages properly without miscommunication. Listening is the foundation of communicating with others, which will allow for the establishment of a relationship.

Be Open Minded

Along with listening skills, being open-minded is very important when being an effective coach. Coaching is about helping others, but it also allows you to learn things about yourself. Allowing yourself to be open-minded will contribute to new ideas and opportunities for yourself, ultimately developing yourself professionally.

Ask Questions

Asking questions allows you to develop a better understanding of the person whom you are coaching. It also allows your brain to focus on developing a relationship. Asking questions is the best way to learn about and gain an understanding of others. Through questions, conversations are developed, which open doors to new ideas for you and the person you’re coaching.

Write Out Your Ideas

Writing down your thoughts, ideas, and experiences is important for self and professional development. This process will allow you to clearly organize what you have learned from your experiences. It’s important to constantly practice your knowledge and skills, while developing more, especially if you’re goal is to share your experiences with others.